My old vacuum which was only 3 years old just died. It stopped working completely, and was leaving wads of clumpy dust all over the place.. just not cool :(
I sent the hubs to Costco to pick up a new vacuum cleaner, and with a little shove in the right direction, he brought home a dyson!!
Lil M was so excited to see the box! He kept yelling "vacuum" It was the cutest thing!! He took out his keys (what we use to open boxes right now) and helped me open the box. We put the vacuum together and he got so excited!! I plugged the vacuum in and off he went!! He was the happiest kid vacuuming his bedroom :)
The vacuum, even though expensive, is pretty neat. It is light weight and easy to maneuver. Lil M was able to vacuum his entire bedroom with ease.
I cannot wait to try the vacuum out myself, but for now, Lil M is the happiest lil guy :)
We had an awesome weekend considering the super bowl was a bust
Lil M's whole entire family was here in one house!! We all got together and lit candles for E-ya's birthday, Lil M got to play trains with Uncle No Soda, jump in puddles with Uncle Boy and got to see his Ti-Gon
We had such a great weekend, playing, getting wet, running around, sugar highs, and snuggles
It was so hard to say goodbye to E-ya and Uncle No Soda ;( Lil M is still quite upset about it today!!
He kept asking for them... sigh.. we have to get them to move back closer :(
Soon we will all get together again, and Lil M will be happy again :) So hard to explain to a little one that he can't see his favorite people everyday :(